Sunday, February 10, 2013

This was the first time I wore a pair of Altras and the reason behind the name of this blog!  I was pacing a friend of mine, we'll call her Kim, a.k.a. "Kimpossible", in her first 100 miler (isn't that what friends are for, the 10pm - 4am shift).

She gave me this huge "pacer rule book" that she made and directions with where to meet her by 10pm! Needles to say after stopping by McDonalds for the extra salty fries she requested, I arrived at the spot on the map she handed me . . . oops! Wrong place, and I mean really wrong place! So, 15minutes later, my wife doing cell phone relay directions from home I found it, ran 7 miles to catch up to her (people get so mad when you run by them in the woods with greasy fresh out of the fryer super salty french fries)!

Needles to say she finished her first 100 miler (Pigtails 100 150 200 miler) in 21.53, first woman finisher! So, for those of you that don't know what ultrarunners talk about in the dark while running further than most people will drive in a day . . . her is snapshot into our conversations! Enjoy!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Flying high in my Altra's at the White River 50! 
Hello humans, this little page will be my reports, reviews and stories about my adventures in the world!  Coming soon, the story and video behind the name . . .